PulseChain enriches the NFT owners

3 min readAug 10, 2021


Why should an NFT owner pay attention to PulseChain?

This is the world’s first insight into a potential game changer.

PulseChain as an Ethereum fork with identical NFT twin

PulseChain is the improved fork/copy of the whole Ethereum network.

The Ethereum network is home to most of the NFT. The largest NFT markets using the Ethereum network to host these NFTs.

Once PulseChain begins to exist as a fork of the Ethereum network, it will contain twins/copies of all Ethereum tokens. Which also includes all Non-Fungible Tokens — NFTs.

This means that every current owner of any artwork with an NFT hosted on the Ethereum network will also have the appropriate NFT on the PulseChain network.

It would be the same exact NFT with the same “serial number”, only on a different network.

ETA of PulseChain is September/November 2021.

The value of the NFT twin

Would the identical NFT twin on the PulseChain have the same value as the firstborn on the Ethereum?

Hard to say. However, it is very unlikely that the identical NFT twin will have zero value, right? Everything that exists has some value.

Why will PulseChain even exist?

The Ethereum network has a capacity problem, which means high transaction fees.

Some operations are so expensive that the Ethereum network is practically unusable for this type of operation.

Sometimes just transferring a token or NFT from one owner to another is so expensive that it doesn’t make sense at all.

PulseChain takes over part of the load from the busy Ethereum network and introduces very low transaction fees, higher speeds, fee-burning and energy efficiency. Its design should be even superior to Ethereum 2.0

Due to the fact that each Ethereum token will have its own twin/representation on the PulseChain network, many users and developers may prefer to use a faster/cheaper version of their projects that have already been migrated to PulseChain from the beginning.

Thus, it is possible that PulseChain NFT twins may have a higher value over time than the firstborn Ethereum NFTs... Or not, who knows?

Either way, only those NFTs will get a twin on PulseChain that will be created and owned before PulseChain starts.

There is at most a two-month window to own an NFT that one also wants to own for free in PulseChain.

Of course, the NFT owner can also destroy one of the twins and leave only one NFT ownership in the preferred network; Ethereum or PulseChain.

But won’t the owner be deprived of potential profit if the market decides that the other network ultimately has more value?

What to do now?

Well. Nothing. Each NFT you own before the PulseChain’s launch gets the twin on PulseChain. To gain access to it, you can just change the network in the MetaMask. Or wait for your favorite marketplace to support switching between Ethereum and PulseChain on their website.

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